Sunday, September 24, 2017

Wednesday's child

He parents like his Step Father.  Loves like his mother.  Laughs like his dad.  His wife asks, "Why do you always vacuum on Sundays?"  His child says, "I hold you" when she wants to be picked up the same way he did.

When he calls on the phone his voice is so deep it's almost painful inside my head.  His dog isn't well behaved she is amazingly behaved (his dad must be so jealous).  His truck is the big brother version of his little brother's truck. Both of them parked in front of our house last night.

He is protective, impulsive, and imaginative. 
He chases his childhood the same way I chase mine.

His wife sits holding open the photo albums of his childhood in awe. 
He had chickenpox's twice.  His first love had skin the color of caramel.  He was the child I worried about the most. 

When he was 7, from his booster seat in the backseat of my car he said, "It was an accident on purpose" trying to explain the events of 9/11.

He reads.
He works.
He cooks and he cleans.
He goes to school at night.

He took the best parts of all his parents.
It is rumored he is my favorite... but that's not true, haha.

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