I promise.
What you probably can't do is SCHOOL at home. Trying to copy the school day isn't going to work for you or your kids.... because you aren't at school.
The first thing you do is take all your kids' school work and put it away. While you are doing that put away the guilt about not doing it.
The next thing you do is find your supplies.
Pull out all your art supplies, board games, dice, cards, magazines, newspapers (even the junk mailers), interesting books, legos, straws, flashlights, spare change, toothpicks, sewing stuff, broken stuff, and if you have one a junk drawer out on your kitchen table.
What you are looking for are things that might interest your kids. Let's say you find a bag of old gummy candy or marshmallows add the toothpicks and you have a stem project.
Put scissors on a pile of magazines (you can even use old damaged books). Make art, make poetry, make a vision board, signs, write notes, etc.
Make your own board game. Make it personal about your life.
Create a newspaper: write breaking stories about members of your house, ads, weather, etc.
Pull a recipe out double it (yeah math!). But no really bake something, bake lots of somethings. Make pizza from scratch. Play with dough.
Make a comic book. Make a storybook. Make a wanted poster.
Listen to stories on Youtube while you paint or draw together.
Design a park, a dream house, a treasure map.
Look up science experiments you can do.
Look up math games! So many, so much fun!!!
Clean together- yeah, clean, organize, repair, paint, cook, etc.
Play some of those board games you own. In fact, play all of them. Make a game and a chart (yeah math). See how many days (or hours) it takes.
Didn't like one of them- give it to someone else or make an art project out of it.
Assign each kid to find a strange fact to share with the family.
Create a list of interview questions and interview each other. Call family and friends and interview them.
Egg drop!!! Remember the egg drop challenge. Do that!!!!
Make paper airplanes.
Make a diorama. Create a dance. Play super old music. Write a play and act it out. Better yet, write ads for things in your house.
Memorize a piece of poetry. I highly recommend Shel Silverstein!
Watch classic movies together. But don't do it in a regular way. Create movie tickets, get your snacks together, and REALLY watch the movie together.
Read a book together. If this seems like the greatest idea you never want to have to actually do try it this way. Find a book like Charlie and the Cholocate Factory or Alice in Wonderland (a classic that everyone thinks they know) set a goal to read 1 chapter a day. And I don't care how old your kids are.
Learn sign language.
Pick an animal/country/person to study. Read, draw, paint, watch youtube about your interest.
Make a lego zoo. Write little signs for the different sights around your zoo.
Go old school with the yard games.
Teach a mini-course of auto shop, map reading, geology.
You don't need me or this random list of ideas you have the internet but if you have a challenge or a subject you want ideas for please feel free to ask.
Teachers have limited space, lots of kids, and limited resources and freedom. They spend years learning the set of skills they use to teach the way they do.
Why is your 1st grader's homework so hard to do? Because the materials are designed to be used within the system of SCHOOL.
Teaching your kids is something you have done their whole lives. Think about it. You are their first teacher. Think of all the things you have taught them!!!
You can do this! We all can <3