Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NCAA, know your cores!

As the parent and home school educator of a student athlete, I have a lot of my own homework to do. Wading through the requirements for NCAA can be a bit overwhelming. There is so much to know!!!

The main key to planning a home school high school via NCAA is understanding the CORES.

NCAA requires a student athlete to complete 16 NCAA approved core courses during high school in conjunction with your state/district high school graduation standards.  

NCAA requirements are typically higher than average school/state standards.  Be aware that simply following standard high school credit requirements will not work!

For Division I you need: 4 years of English, 2 years of Science, 3 years of Math, 2 years of Social Science.  PLUS 1 additional year long course of either Math, English, or Science.  AND 4 additional years (4 full year courses) in the areas of Math, English, Science, Foreign Language, Philosophy.  That's how you get to 16 credits!

Ten of those courses, including seven in English, math or natural/physical science courses, must be completed by the end of the 11th grade.

A simple breakdown of the NCAA core-course requirements would look like this: 4 English courses (one per year) + 4 math courses (one per year) + 4 science courses (one per year) + 4 social science courses (one per year) = 16.  

*Foreign Language credit may be used as a core-course credit and would fall within the additional 4 full year course requirements.

College entrance exams are another reason to pile on those core Math and English courses.  Those scores will be a huge factor in your child's options for college, with or without being a student athlete. 

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