Sunday, September 20, 2015

fish in the meadow

I don't know how the fish got there. How do fish get into a meadow? 
What I do know is most of them are African Cichlids.  From my experience of keeping them as "pets" I know they are aggressive- with big teeth!  
Of course size does matter.
And most of them are little.  
Ignore the 3 giant fish swimming around.
But we didn't start our day at Meadow in the fish pond. 
We started in the first pool, the warmest one. Beach spend most of her time under the water finding small treasures in the rocks.
It was nice and quiet until...

  "Boy Scouts? Why does it always have to be Boy Scouts?!" 
So we moved pools. To the fish pond!
We saw blue rams. Fancy fish name: Mikrogepheaus Ramirez.  Some of the little orange ones are Orange Blossoms.  Fancy fish name: Fuelleborni. The blue fish with stripes is the female. The male is yellow.  Fancy fish name: Maylandia lombardoi; common name lombari.
Possibly some Bumblebee Cichlids. Fancy fish name: Pseudotropheus crabro.  
And lots of peacocks & mollies. 
Fish nibbling on her toes! 
Yep, the Boy Scouts show up and want to know what the GIRL was doing now.
So we ate some lunch then moved on to the 3rd pool.
 It didn't have as many fish in it & most the fish were Texas Cichlids. They are the only known native North American species of Cichlid. 
Beach caught one of them in her hand. She swam with it for a little bit then let it go.
Unfortunately for the fish she tossed it REALLY high & yelled, “Fly fishy!”  When it hit the water she remembered something important about fish- they tend not to fly. She felt bad but luckily the fish recovered and swam off. 
And eventually so did we.

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